How to log into Synthrone for the first time?

  1. Submit a ticket using the form on Synthrone Support website or send a direct e-mail to Indicate:
    • your name and surname
    • valid business e-mail address
    • if there are any folders you would like to have the access to in Synthrone, list them with needed level of Collaboration (Viewer*/Editor**)

      *As a Viewer, you will be able to browse through the assets and download them
      **As an Editor, you will also be able to edit them and create product cards.

       If you want to know more about the Collaborations, visit 
      this article.

  2. Once your account is created by the Administrator, you should receive an e-mail with an activation link.
    Click on the blue button to set your password and activate your account:

  3. You will be transferred to your Organization's Synthrone webpage. Set your password and click on the CHANGE PASSWORD button to confirm:

  4. Now you can log into the Synthrone by using your e-mail address as your login and the newly set password:

    Remember to use the e-mail address to which the activation e-mail had been sent.

  5. By default, at the first, you will see Synthrone Manager App. From here you can navigate to Synthrone's app list on the upper menu and select your desired App, i.e. Tracker:

  6. Now you are all set! Remember to bookmark the Synthrone log-in page, as only the people with the valid URL address can access a particular organization's Synthone tool:

    You could also bookmark a specific Synthrone app, to use it as a shortcut and access it directly.

  7. If you ever forget your password, you can easily reset it. To do this, click on the Forgot password button on the login screen:

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