How to share files in Synthrone?

There are three ways you can share a file in Synthrone with someone:

  1. If that person has access to a given Synthrone environment (and is not a Collaborator):
    If you want to share a folder with someone in your organization, select Manage Collaborators and add this person as a Collaborator with a proper role.

    Learn more about Collaborations here:

    Now the folder and its contents are visible to the person you have shared it with.
    If you want to send them a link to the specific file, proceed to point B below.

  2. If that person has access to a given Synthrone environment (and is a Collaborator):
    Open the desired file or folder in Synthrone, then copy a link/URL to this file from your web browser.

  3. If that person does not have access:
    generate a sharable public link: right-click on the desired file, then navigate to share Share, then choose Share Public Link.

    The link is now ready to be copied and sent (the shared file will be visible to anyone):

    To learn more about public links, follow this guide.

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