How to set images to expire

By using a tag called “Expiration date”, images can be set to expire from the Synthrone tool at a chosen date.

Few things to consider:

  • When a tag expires, the tag label will change its color to red, informing user that the image should be deleted.
  • When a tag expires or is deleted, the image is not removed from the tool or database.
  • There is no central mechanism for the Synthrone Admin to gather information and act on product cards or specific folders with images.
    It is up to the users of the tool to manage the expiration and ultimate deletion of their images.
  • The tags can be viewed and modified in the details panel of an image, found by right-clicking on the image.

Images set to expire from the Synthrone tool at a chosen date using a tag called “Expiration date” will show three different stages:

  • WHITE LABEL – image expires in more than 14 days
  • ORANGE LABEL – image expires in less than 14 day
  • RED LABEL – image expired

Setting an expiry date

Tag expiration can be set in three different ways:

  1. By setting the expiration date at an image level during the product card edition in Synthrone Crafter.
  2. By setting the expiration date at the image level in Synthrone Browser.
  3. By setting the expiration date at the folder level in Synthrone Browser. The date will propagate to all the images store inside the folder.

1. How to set the date at a product card level:

In Crafter's design mode double click an image, find "Expiration date" in the Asset Details panel. Click edit icon and set a date.

2. How to set the date at an image level:

In Browser right click the image and choose Details. In Details panel find "Expiration date", click edit icon and set a date.

3. How to set the date at a folder level:

In Browser right click on a folder and choose Details. In Details panel find "Expiration date", click edit icon and set a date.

How to search for specific expiry date

If you would like to find assets based on expiry date, you can do so via Browser's search bar. 
With search bar's advanced options, user can search for different expiry date, set at:

  • Today
  • Tomorrow
  • Next 7 days
  • Next 30 days
  • Next 90 days
  • Custom date ...

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