How to export your content

Different e-retailers will have different requirements for deliverables. Some might want only HTML code to paste on their page, some can ask to provide them with everything, even PSD files that were used to create the cards. We created a solution that allows you to easily deliver your content into any format.

Below is the diagram of the process of how content export process looks like:


Single cards, as well as the campaigns, can be exported in any of the available forms. 


Exporting multiple products at a time
First, you need to make sure that all of the products share at least one common platform. To do so:

  1. Select needed products in Browser and then open them Tabler

  2. Proceed to the column AV inside Tabler:

  3. All of the products above have some common platforms – Amazon UK and Default Platform, meaning we can use them to extract content in the needed format if applicable.

  4. Otherwise, we would have to assign common platform to those products. Instruction is as follows:
    1. double-click the first or any other cell in the AV column and choose the needed platform from the drop-down list
    2. If needed drag the cell with the newly added platform through the whole list, so it could be added to the remaining products.

      While dragging the cell through the list some platforms might be overwritten, therefore make sure to pay attention to it. Compare:
      Note you can always reverse the changes by using the reverse change button –

  5. After the platforms has been assigned you will be able to start Export process.
  6. Open Publisher and navigate to 
  7. Start by clicking this  button in the right upper corner of the screen:

  8. Then choose the correspondent platform (shop) to start exporting.

  9. Next, depending on the requirements of the export, choose required Pipeline.

  10. After you assigned the pipeline to your products and clicked SEND button, the process of export will start.

  11. To find and download your export, you need to switch to another application called Publisher.

  12. Click the applications grid in the right upper corner and press the application’s sign:

  13. Publisher will be opened in a new tab. In order to find your export click the icon of notepad. 

  14. The system will forward you to the environment where all your exports are.
    In order to download your export just click the arrow next to the Status column:

represents a kit of settings applied for content export. It allows you to export only a certain type of content e.g. only basic content or only rich. Every pipeline can be customized in accordance with the preferences of the customer.

If you want to know more about pipelines, refer to this article.

is the application that allows you to extract and download the files that have been exported to a particular platform or e-retailer.

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