Export Pipelines in Publisher

Pipeline represents a kit of settings applied for content export.

It allows you to export only a certain type of content e.g. only basic content or only rich content. 
Every Pipeline can be customised in accordance with the preferences of the customer.

When you export your content it is essential to know correct one.

There are 5 default pipelines in Synthrone:

  • Export Full ZIP Package
  • Export Rich Marketing Content ZIP Package
  • XLSX Single File Generation
  • Default XLSX file Generation  (with assets and documents)
  • Default File Generation (with assets only)

Export Full ZIP Package 
This type of export generates a zip file that includes:

  1. Excel file with full export of basic content;
  2. A folder with assets from both rich and basic marketing content, html folder with assets that will allow you to generate a preview of the card and excel file with basic content.

Export Rich Marketing Content ZIP Package
By using this type of export you will get a zip file with:

  1. Assets for rich marketing content;
  2. Html folder that will allow you to generate a preview for your rich marketing content.

XLSX Single File Generation
This type of export is useful in case you need to have an overview on basic content for multiple products.
You will get a zip package with a single excel file. This excel file will include basic marketing content and links to media and documents to download them.

Default XLSX File Generation  (with assets and documents)
With this type of export you get a zip file where you can find an excel file with comprehensive text content export and folders with assets and exported documents if there are any.

Default File Generation (with assets only)
It is basically the same type of export as the previous one, though it excludes exporting of documents.

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