How to find files in Synthrone Browser?

Synthrone Browser is a great tool that you can use to find different files on your platform. You can search by:

  • File title
  • File contents
  • Items featured in Products, Pages, or other files stored on your Browser

To customise your search you can use Synthrone Browser categorisation feature. 
It allows you to look for the information you need based on the following categories: Products, Pages, Images, Videos, Documents and Others:

You can also switch views in search results by clicking:

How to search for your files?

  1. Sign in to <yourorganization>
  2. Click search box on the very top of the page and type a word or a phrase.
  3. Press Enter.

How to filter your Browser results?

With Browser you can easily find your files by adjusting your search preferences.

To use this feature:

  1. Sign in to <yourorganization>
  2. On the top, type a word or phrase into the search box.
  3. To narrow down your search results, click Down Arrow.
  4. Fill in any of the following sections:
    • Type: File types such as products, pages, documents, images, or videos.
    • Date modified: Last edition of the file.
    • Item name: search by title of the file.
    • Owner: The person the file belongs to.
    • Location: Shows whether the file is in a specific folder, e.g. Trash or “Starred.”
  5. After adjusting the filter click Search at the bottom of the dropdown menu.

Advanced search options
You can refine your search request in Browser using advanced features.
To access the advanced features of the Browser click search box and in the dropdown list choose Advanced Search Tool.
Then customise your search by using the following parameters:


  • Search by the type of document: product, image, video, document,  image, video etc.
  • Example: type: pdpd

Date modified:

  • Find items that were edited before or after a certain date
  • Format the date as YYYY-MM-DD
  • Example:
    • From: 2018-05-01
    • To: 2018-05-01



  • Search by the language of product
  • Example: 
    • language: en-GB

Product Code:

  • Search by the Identifiers of product (EAN, UPC, ASIN)
  • Example:
    • productcode: 50003455222

Manufacturer Code:

  • Search by the Manufacturer code (MPN/FPC)
  • Example:
    • manufacturer code: MN34


  • Search by the productbrand
  • Example:
    • brand: mycompany

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