How to mass import/export Tracked products

  1. In Tracker, navigate to menu on left side of the screen. 
    Choose Settings > Trusted Content > Imports.
  2. By clicking "+" button, on the right side, you will be able to choose 2 options:
  • Add new / update products
  • Add new / update platform info

In both cases you are prompted to add an .xlsx file with products details based on template that you can download through the form.
Graphical user interface, text, email

Description automatically generated

Add new / update products
In order to add new products to trusted content you should fill the template and import it through the form mentioned above. If a product already exists in the system, it will be updated, so please be wary of this behaviour.

To fill in the Excel file with Trusted Content, you'll need:

  • Language, 
  • Identifier (e.g. EAN),
  • Sub-identifier (e.g. FPC), 
  • Brand, 
  • Category, 
  • Sub-category, 
  • Display Name,
  • English Title Equivalent (in "Display Name" needs translation)
  • Recommended Retailer Price (Price + Currency)
  • Title keywords 
  • Copy keywords
  • Primary Image link,
  • Secondary Image links

If you would like to update your product info in a batch it is best to export desired products from Settings > Trusted Content > Products. Use filters of your choice and when you are ready press  button (save to .xlsx). After changing details in the export file you can import it again to update the changes on the server.

When you are ready to import the file, go back to the form we opened previously (with the "+" button), drag-drop .xlsx file, and click Next.

Now the Validation process will take place – Tracker will check if delivered data is compliant.  This might take some time – if you are updating more than 40 products process will finish in the background.  When this process is done, you will be informed with a notification and an e-mail message.

Now, if you visit Settings > Trusted Content > Imports, you should see Progress bar on 1/2 stage.

If the Status is Completed,  you should use icon. Here, you can inspect if changes are correct. If everything looks good, choose Next.

If the Status is Failed, sameicon should inform you about errors – most likely fields in .xlsx file that were filled in incorrectly. If by any chance you don't know what could go wrong or the error message makes no sense to you, don't hesitate to contact our Support.

Now the Import is taking place. Same as before, this can take a while and you will be notified when the process is finished.

Add new / update platform info

When your trusted products are already imported, you can define product-specific details, like prices or images, that vary between e-retailers.

To do so it's best to either use .xlsx template dedicated for product platforms imports or to export existing products from:
Settings > Trusted Content > Product Platforms.

It's particularly important to work on exported products when you update product platforms information – while exporting data, remember to filter by E-Retailer that you want to update info for:

Based on the downloaded .xlsx file you can customize product info for a specific platform, eg. use custom images or set platform-specific price.

Modified .xlsx file should be uploaded through "+" button in Settings > Trusted Content > Product Platforms.

When updating platform-specific info on products, be sure to choose the correct E-Retailer:

After .xlsx file is added and E-Retailer is chosen, progress with the Next button. 

Same as in the case of Product imports, the validation process will take place – Tracker will check the data. 
After a while, you will be informed either by notification or by e-mail message, that the import is over.

Same as before, if you visit Settings > Trusted Content > Imports, you should see the Progress bar on 1/2 stage. 

Continue analogously as in case of Product imports. 
If there are no errors and everything is fine you will be notified when the process is finished.

If you're facing any problems, submit a ticket using the form on Synthrone Support website or send a direct e-mail to

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