How to request access to Synthrone?

In order to get an access to Synthrone tools, you should submit a ticket using the form on Synthrone Support website or send a direct e-mail to

We are trying to provide you with some needed help as soon as possible. To do so successfully, we kindly ask you to specify the following details about your future account:


  • your name, surname,
  • valid business e-mail address,
  • the platform you need an access to,
  • the permissions you need to have,
    • folders you would like to have the access to in Synthrone,
    • the needed level of collaboration: Co-owner, Editor or Viewer.

Co-owner role gives user the same permissions as to Owner with a couple exceptions: folders created by Co-owner won't be assigned to them with the whole ownership and they can create and manage new collaborations, but aren't able to manage Owner's access.

As an Editor, you will be able to edit the assets and create unique product cards. 

Having Viewer access means you will get limited access to the files and folders. 
You will be able to browse through the assets and download them, yet there will be no possibility for you to edit them in Synthrone.

If you need more detailed information about role types for folder collaborations, you can get acquainted with the following article: Role types for folder collaboration.

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