Syndicate Rich Marketing content to E-retailer

Synthrone allows you to easily export Rich Marketing to any E-retailer website. In order to publish the content navigate to Browser and search for the product you wish to publish. Please refer to this article where you can find detailed instructions about Search functionality.

Remember to implement the loader script into your Google Tag Manager. It is needed for Syndication to work. Follow this guide to learn how.

Publishing Content with Crafter

      1. In Browser open PDPD with Crafter.

      1. Navigate to platforms and assign E-retailer platform and Retailer product code to the PDPD.

RPC (Retailer product code) is a unique product identifier on E-retailer website. RPC is works as a link between Synthrone and E-retailer’s website. 

      1. Save the changes.

      2. Change the status to Approved.

      3. Export the content:
        a) Select Platform from the list
        b) Export your content as: E-RETAILER SYNTHRONE SYNDICATION SERVICE EXPORT from the list and click SEND.

Publisher allows you to see progress of each export as well as manage already published packages.

Status of Export

  1. Open Publisher from the Navigation menu in the top right corner.

  1. Navigate to Exports. 

  1. Check the status of the first export on the list.

  1. Refresh the list by clicking the icon

  2. Once done status is changed to Done 

  1. In case the export has failed (as on example below) open the log by clicking and contact the Synthrone Support with a screenshot and URL of the export.

Managing published content

  1. Open Publisher from the Navigation menu in the top right corner.

  1. Navigate to Syndication Manager.

  1. You can search products by Retailer Product Code and remove the content by clicking icon.

For Syndication to work on your website, you have to implement the loader script into your Google Tag Manager.

Follow this link to learn more.

Due to server and browser web caching removal of content might be delayed (up to 4 hours). 

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