How to set up scheduled reports in Tracker?

Each user in Synthrone Tracker can easily set up scheduled reports for Content, Availability, Price & Promo, Ratings & Reviews, Review Details, and Share of Search. Each report contains data selected through the already existing system filters.

Use case: User can schedule a report to receive daily email notifications on a specific brand of products that have availability status Out of stock on specific E-retailer - for example:

Audit Type: Availability 
Audit Scope: Austria 
Brands: Braun
Categories: All Categories 
Sub-categories: All Sub-categories 
SKU Types: All SKUs 
Availability Status: Out of Stock

Create scheduled report

  1. Navigate to any of the following reports: Availability, Price & Promo, Ratings & Reviews, Review Details, and Share of Search
  2. Filter the data set you would like to set up the scheduled report for. 
  3. Hit the Export reports button and select Schedule report.
  4. Type the name of the report.
  5. Select desired format of the report (.xlsx or .csv). 
  6. Hit the Save button.

Manage created scheduled reports

  1. From the Navigation menu on the left go to Use settings > Scheduled reports.
  2. Now you can see a list of all reports you have created so far. In this view you can:
    • See details of each created report.
    • Delete any report.

Email notification

  • Scheduled reports are sent once the audit is verified and published.
  • The frequency of emails depends on your organization's audit frequency. 
  • The email body contains a summary of the scope of the report. The file (.xlsx or .csv) is attached to the email. 

Please note that each report is customized for the user who created it and is only accessible to that user.

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