How to set up typography on Rich Marketing Content in Crafter?

In Synthrone Crafter there are 3 ways of setting up text typography on a Rich Marketing Content card.

1. Element typography

On this level, you can set up family font, type, color, size, leading, kerning, and style (bold, italics, underline, strikethrough). This level has the highest priority and will overwrite typography set on component & card level.

It can be accessed by double-clicking a specific element (i.e. headline).

2. Component typography

This option allows you to set font family, type, and color on a particular component only. Setting up font properties on the component level will automatically overwrite typography on all its elements. 

Please note that typography previously set on element level will be ignored.

It can be accessed by clicking the specific component.

3. Card typography. 

This option allows you to set font family, type, and color on the whole card. When setting up font properties it will automatically overwrite typography on all components and their elements. 

Please note that typography previously set on element level will be ignored. 

When card typography is set up at the empty card, every newly used component will automatically get this default typography from the card level.

It can be accessed by clicking the grey area of the workspace:

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