How to create Shoppable Video Component in Crafter?

This revolutionary Synthrone Crafter component will bring to your clients longer session times, more product visits, and higher cart sizes by transforming product inspiration into conversion. 

In this article, you will learn how to build such a component in Synthrone Crafter. 

  1. Open PDPD you would like to create a component for.
  2. Search for Shoppable Video Component and drag&drop into the Crafter workspace area.
  3. Double click the video element.
  4. Select source & poster of the video.

  5. You can select the thumbnail of the product, change the headline or CTA Button, and set the CTA link.

  6. Set time when the product should be added to the list.

Editable component-specific elements:

  • Panel background
  • Button color
  • Button text color


Once the color is set on the button element, do not set up the color on the selected text.

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