How to import Content Matrix Translation

Once the user has created Content Matrixes for translation purposes, now it's time to upload translated content. This article will explain how to import the Content Matrix Translation file back to Synthrone Crafter. This functionality automatically replaces source copy in basic & rich marketing content components with translated text from the uploaded file. 

  1. Get Translation Matrix XLSX.
  2. Fill the Final Copy column in the XLSX file with the translated text.
    Important! Do not modify columns and rows in the file.
  3. Create Product content variant. 
  4. Upload the Translated Content Matrix
  5. Once the upload is done all changes are saved automatically. 
  6. Review the Rich Marketing Content card.

    Please note that some typography properties (colors, font style, font size, etc...) might not be respected during the upload and must be applied once again on the translated text. This applies only to text blocks with multiple nested formats.
    Original formatting:

    Formatting after import:





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