How to create product content variant

How to create a Product Content Variant?

Product Content Variant allows the portfolio of product content to be organized and easily accessible from any sibling PDPD. Every user with edit access in Crafter has the ability to create a Product Content Variant specific for E-retailer, language, or any Custom variant.

Product content variant allows you to create a variant of an already existing PDPD file. As product content variants are client-specific, please contact us in order to configure and enable the feature in your environment. 

Creating Product Content Variant:

  1. Open a product in Crafter 
  2. Create product content variant button 

  3. As the next step in Product Content Variant wizard you are guided through 4 steps:
    1. Select a variant you would like to create.
       You can create Product content variants for language, platform (E-retailer), or custom variant. 

    2. Select whether you would like to copy either basic or rich marketing content. The content you select will be cloned to a newly created variant
    3. Select associated files that need to be copied. In case you select Basic marketing content in step 2, you can further decide if you wish to copy basic content media (images, videos) or documents (PDFs, PSDs, etc...).
       You can also indicate whether you want to keep original assets in the original assets folder or copy existing assets to the newly created assets folder. 
    4. On the last step, you can see a summary of the Product content variant that will be created. 
    5. Hit Create Product content variant. 
  4. Once Product Content Variant is created it will appear next to the original PDPD in Browser. If you have selected keep original assets options in step 3, the product will be created immediately. In case of the option copy existing assets, the process may take a while. You will receive an email notification once the product content PDPD is created successfully. 
  5. All product content variants are also visible in the Linked products section in Crafter. From this section, you can easily navigate to all linked PDPDs.




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