Product card width & Breaking points

The width of a product card is expressed in pixels and results from the widest asset size put in a Component.

Depending on an E-retailer, product cards might have to have certain maximal width. Make sure E-retailers provides this data in briefs.

Leaving incorrect or default width might result in incorrect display of a product card on the E-retailers website.

In most cases, building cards in Tablet View, is a good starting point, as it will display correctly on both Desktop and Tablet horizontal view.

Then you can design a mobile view. Having only those two views will cover every device, as views for in-between screens will scale automatically.

The absolute maximum Component width is 1200 px (desktop size).

Breaking points

The components are fully responsive, meaning they will automatically scale to fit the screen or a size of browser window.
Below are breaking points for different views with corresponding sizes for various screen/window widths.


Mobile (vertical)

<576 px


Mobile (horizontal)

576-767 px


Tablet (vertical)

768-991 px


Tablet (horizontal)

992-1199 px



≥1200 px

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