How to organize your folders

Folder Structure
To be able to find your files quickly, it is essential to keep them organized at all times. There are two recommendations we propose for creating folder structures in Synthrone Browser.

General recommendation:


Practical for small scopes:

/en-UK/Elevit/Elevit 30_123456.pdpd

Keep any assets you have used in the dedicated _Assets folder for each SKU.


Remember, how you organize your files is fully up to you, as long as you can keep track of your files.

SKU’s that are exported to an Online Catalog, have a set file path that they will be created into, thus generating a file structure automatically. A validator will check if you provided all needed data for this to happen, such as typing Name/Brand/Sub-brand in Basic Marketing Content Tab in Synthrone Crafter. Contact your dedicated Product Owner, Administrator, or Synthrone Support, to discuss changing default export path/validation settings.

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