Browser Basics

  1. To open Browser, log into Synthrone, then, navigate to Apps tab and choose Synthrone Browser app:

  2. Files tab opens first as the default view in the Browser. This is the place where all files are kept and organized into folders:

  3. On the left is the Browser Menu. You can click on the last icon, at the bottom left side of the screen to expand it:

    Expanded menu view. Select the collapse menu button to contract it:

  4. If you are looking for a particular existing file in Browser, type its name into the search bar, located in the upper navigation bar, at the top of the screen:

    You can also specify the file type or use an advanced search to narrow down the results:

    To learn more about advanced search, follow this guide:

  5. Next to Browser Searchbar are the following buttons: Notifications (a), Downloads Basket (b), Support (c), Profile (d), and Apps(e):
    1. Click on the Notifications button to see news about the latest exports:

      If you want to see a list of all notifications, use the View all notifications button:

      Scroll down to see more notifications or go back to any Browser panel by clicking the appropriate Tab on the left side of the screen:

    2. The Downloads basket lets you preview Associated files that are selected for the mass download. Learn about this feature here:

    3. If you want to contact the Support team, click on the Contact Support button (icon with a Questionmark):

      this guide to learn the details of this feature.

      If nothing happens after clicking on this button, disable any AdBlock software you are using.

    4. To log out or edit your profile details, select the Profile button:

      Choose either button or click anywhere else on the screen to close this window:

    5. Click on the Apps button to see Synthrone Apps available to you:

      Select any Synthrone App to open it or click anywhere else on the screen to close this window:

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