Exports – Publisher overview

  1. Navigate to Exports Tab by selecting the Exports button on the left menu.

    In the Exports Tab is a table with a list of both completed and failed exports, as well those that are still in progress:

  2. To quickly find specific exports use the Filters, located above the table. You can filter your results by Status (Completed / Failed / In progress), Document Type (.pdpd or landing page) and by Platform (export's destination):

  3. By default, items on the list are sorted from the newest to the oldest export. Reverse the order by using the Arrows button:

  4. To refresh the list, click on the Refresh button:

Action Buttons:

  1. View Exports Details by selecting the Export Details button:

    The most important part of Exports Details is the Exports logs. If your export had ever failed and you would need help with establishing why the support team will ask you to send them the red text from the log:

    You can Refresh, Restart and view Validation Errors from this panel:

  2. View validation errors by using the Validation Errors button:

    If there were no errors:

    If there were an error:

    You can quickly open the exported item in 
    Crafter, by using this link button:

  3. Restart the Export by clicking on the Restart button:

  4. To download the export package use the Download button:

    You can not download failed exports:

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