Users – Manager Overview

Users tab is a table with a list of all users within your organization:

  1. To sort users by their: Name, E-mail, Organization, Last login date, or Account Status, click on the Arrows button, near the corresponding headline:

    The present mode of sorting is indicated by a single up or down arrow.

  2. You can search for a specific user, by using the Filter search bar. Type a full, or a part of a name to filter existing users:

    Filtered result:

  3. To create a new user, click on the Plus button, at the bottom right side of the screen:

    Refer to
    this guide to learn about details of new user creation.

  4. You can edit the User's E-mail address and Name (a), Roles (b), Languages (c), Password (d), and Advanced Information (e). To do so, click on the Edit button:

    1. Type valid E-mail address and a Name into the corresponding brackets:

    2. Click on the Roles list to open it:

      Select adequate Roles for the User:

      If you are done selecting appropriate Roles, click anywhere on the screen, outside of the list, to close it.

      If you want to know more about Roles refer to
      this guide.

    3. Click on the Languages list to open it:

      Select adequate Languages for the User:

      If you are done selecting appropriate Languages, click anywhere on the screen, outside of the list, to close it.

      Press the Select All button to quickly select all of the languages or a Deselect All button to deselect them.

    4. Click on the Change password button, to change the password:

      Type your new password and repeat it in the neighboring bracket. Both passwords must match.:

      Passwords strength is indicated by the bars below the password brackets. The more bars appear, the stronger the password is.

      Use the Auto Generate password button to automatically generate a strong password:

      Press the Regenerate button, to generate it again:

    5. You can also Edit the User's Secondary E-mail address, Phone number, and Address. To do so, click on the SHOW ADVANCED INFORMATION button:

  5. Click on the Settings button to Login as (a), Deactivate (b), or Delete (c) a user:

    1. Logging as a particular Users will allow you to check how they see specifically see Synthrone, for example, to check whether their Permissions are sufficient for their work:

    2. Deactivating the User's account will prohibit them from accessing the given Synthrone environment, until reactivation.

      To confirm press the PROCEED button:

      To Activate, Click on the Deactivated User's Settings button and select Activate to do so:

      To confirm press the PROCEED button:

    3. Select Delete to permanently remove a User from the given Synthrone environment:

      To confirm press the PROCEED button:

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