Which role should I use for folder collaborations?

Synthrone Collaborator Tool allows you to share the access to your files with multiple users in your organization.
It means you will be able to do work more efficiently on your content and provide roles with designated rights to multiple users.

By default, you get an Owner role of you folder you create. This means, that you have the whole set of permissions, offered by Collaboration Tool, which are:

  • sharing the folder with your colleagues and assigning the roles to them,
  • creating and removing users, changing the roles of existing ones,
  • generating links for sharing access to the files with users outside of the platform
    (in order to secure your data there is a possibility to set a password and expiration date for the generated link),
  • changing the location of the folder (by choosing the option Move),
  • copying a folder to a different location and renaming it,
  • viewing the details of the folder, like location, type, size etc.,
  • adding folder into Favourites and creating a copy (alias) of the folder at the dashboard of Browser,
  • downloading your folder, 
  • moving folder to Trash and deleting it.

There are three types of roles you can assign to users.


If you assign a Co-owner role to a user, they would have the same permissions as you do, with just two exceptions:

  • Co-owner can create a folder inside of collaborative one, but they won't be the Owner of it,
  • Co-owner also can create and manage folder collaborations, but not for the Owner's role.


Editor has quite similar permissions as Co-owner, but also with a few exceptions:

  • Editor can't create new collaborations,
  • Editor can't change other users' roles,
  • Editor can't share link with someone outside of the platform.


As a Viewer, a user would have the following permissions:

  • Viewer can download file,
  • Viewer can add file to Favourites,
  • Viewer can see the details of the folder.
  • Viewer can share link to assets with someone outside of the platform.

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