
  1. Manager - is a tool at Synthrone platform that allows you to see your organization’s statistics, edit the data the profile of your organization, create and manage users and user roles and manage the segments of the market your company operates on.
  2. Crafter - is a tool that allows you to create, edit and export the content.
  3. Browser - is a tool that helps you to store and manage your content.
  4. Publisher - is a tool that allows you to track your exports and monitor their progress.
  5. Tabler - is a tool that allows you to work on multiple products and export them to the designated platforms.
  6. Deployment - the process of setting up a new software to the point where it’s ready for productive work in a live environment.
  7. Production - live environment.
  8. Pipeline - the sequence of tasks in the queue.
  9. Basic content - includes information about product title, main image, information about price, dates of availability in the store and short description, etc.
  10. Master - is a spreadsheet with the content in designated language. The content from master will be copied to any subsequent spreadsheet.
  11. UPC - short for universal product code, is a type of code printed on retail product packaging to aid in identifying a particular item. It consists of two parts – the machine-readable barcode, which is a series of unique black bars, and the unique 12-digit number beneath it.
  12. EAN - European Article Number is a standard describing a barcode symbology and numbering system used in global trade to identify a specific retail product type, in a specific packaging configuration, from a specific manufacturer.
  13. FPC - Factory Product Code.
  14. ASIN - Amazon Standard Identification Number is a 10-character alphanumeric unique identifier assigned by and its partners for product identification within the Amazon organization.
  15. SAP ID - Product identification number in SAP system.
  16. MPN - manufacturer part number is a series of numbers and/or letters that has been given to a part by the manufacturer.
  17. SKU - stock Keeping Unit, is a unique number used to internally track a business’ inventory. SKUs are alphanumeric, and should provide information on the most important characteristics of a product — price, color, style, brand, gender, type, and size, for example.
  18. Auditable? - means that this product could be a sample for audits in the future.
  19. Live - signifies if the product is currently available for buying.
  20. DUN 14 - The Distribution Unit Number (DUN) is a 14-digit code that is assigned to shipping containers.
  21. Signal word - describes the acute (short-term) toxicity of the formulated pesticide product. The signal word can be either: DANGER, WARNING or CAUTION.
  22. Export - the process of extracting the data from Synthrone in required format.
  23. Export by status - export of the content with certain status (failed, completed).
  24. Export by pipeline - export within certain platform.
  25. Export by owners - export initiated by certain users.
  26. TVA - Technically Verified Audits.
  27. Planeta Planet is an indicator for each organization's Synthrone environment. It can, but don't has to be placed as a prefix in environment URL, f. ex.:,
  28. Auto-Verified audit - TVA for a particular platform is auto-verified, when the audit result difference belongs to the episode of [-5; 5].
  29. LBB - Lost Buy Box - is an availability status, when platform is a marketplace and winning seller is other from our trusted seller.
  30. Total Share of Search - a raport that is calculated based on all Procter & Gamble brand products in TOP 10, 5, 3 search results (before December 17, 2021 Brand Share of Search).
  31. Portfolio Share of Search - a raport that is calculated based on SKUs that are part of Synthrone Tracker portfolio (before December 17, 2021 Sub-category Share of Search).
  32. Power SKU Share of Search - is a newly introduced Share of Search raport and is calculated based on SKUs that are part of the Synthrone Tracker portfolio and are marked as Power SKU.

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